ST25 NFC App 정보
ST25 NFC Application is dedicated to handle the ST NFC Tags
ST25 NFC App is an Android application dedicated to handle the ST NFC tag ST25TA (CLOUD ST25TA02K-P), the dynamic NFC tag M24SR (M24SR Nucleo shield and M24SR Discovery boards), the Dual Interface EEPROMs of the M24LRxx family, and the ST25DV series Dynamic NFC Tags.
It allows the user to store or read NDEF messages such as NDEF URL, SMS, Email, vCard (including picture), AAR and proprietary messages. NDEF Multi-records is also available.
Tag information retrieval [CC file, (*)System File]
NDEF, ISO14443 Type A (ISO-DEP)
Tools functionalities (Counters,GPO control, registers, …, according to Tag found)
Password management [Password Authentication, Tag Read only/Write only …] (*).
Energy Harvesting(*)
Specific demonstration features such as FW update, image transfers, LED toggles, setting configuration and Data log are available and work with specific firmware and Discovery kits.
(*ST Product)
What's new in the latest 1.3
ST25DV series Dynamic NFC Tags support
Multi-NDEF and multi-records support for M24SR ST Products and ST25DV
Fast Transfer Mode support for ST25DV series Dynamic NFC Tags
Specific demonstration features such as FW update, image transfers, Stop watch are available and work with specific firmware and Discovery kits