StopFap 2 - Quit Porn and Stop Masturbation
StopFap 2 - Quit Porn and Stop Masturbation 정보
App that will help you quit porn & masturbation and live a better life
App that will help you quit porn & masturbation and live a better life. Whenever you feel tempted to watch pornography or to masturbate, press the emergency button.
How Stop Fap works ?
-A random fact about pornography and masturbation addiction is shown to you each time you press the emergency button and reminds you to stay in control.
-Stop fap has also a counter to track the time you stopped watching pornography or the last time you stopped fapping. The more time you stopped the more you increase in levels.
-A community chat system to help and motivate each others by sharing progress, experiences, thoughts and questions to overcome pornography & masturbation addiction.