Story Gallery 정보
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Create stories with your gallery
You have a story? is your story must be forgotten at all?
Photos can tells something, but is it enough just from your photo? cause it's too expensive losing your story and experience. So, completely your photo gallery with your story, arrange it and adds description, and u can remind and showing your experience stories someday u want.
Here, this apps is to help what you need, "Story Gallery" can write and tells your gallery. You can write and save your photos here, so u can tells about your memory and experience to your friend and to your family.
you can read someday, remind your childhood memory, about your travelling gallery, about...
, so don't miss your story again.
So, now try this apps and use this apps to record your stories.
* Free Stories
user : free
password : free
* Bedtime Stories
user : bedtime
password : bedtime