StreamAIR-AQ 정보
StreamAIR-AQ는 대기 질 및 고급 기상 예측 시스템입니다.
StreamAIR-AQ is the C-CAPS real-time Earth Observation (EO) Data and Forecasting System with integrates observation and modelling of atmospheric composition, air pollutants, essential climate variables and advanced meteorology.
StreamAIR-AQ is air quality/atmospheric composition forecasting and realtime data system designed to monitor, observe and forecast Air Pollution over Europe and is operated on a grid resolution of 25 km x 25 km with nesting capabilities down to 1 km x 1 km. The modelling component is based on WRF-CHEM.
The StreamAIR-AQ currently forecasts the main particulate and gaseous air pollutant (e.g. PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2 and O3. The next version will include speciation of PM by species and emissions sector