StudyBuddy - Digital Exam Solution
StudyBuddy - Digital Exam Solution 정보
1 학년부터 10 학년까지 디지털 평가 팩을 제공하는 스마트 학습 플랫폼입니다.
StudyBuddy is a smart learning platform that provides digital assessment-packs for Grade 1 to 10 students across CBSE, Gujarat (GSEB) and Maharashtra (MSEB) boards.
Combining world-class audio/visual content and a unique assessment engine, with a state-of-the-art engagement platform, StudyBuddy aspires to offer you the best in digital learning to complement your classroom learning - anytime, anywhere and in any form (think micro packs).
StudyBuddy represents a strategic initiative of eSense Learning Pvt. Ltd, a wholly owned digital education subsidiary of Navneet Education Limited, a fast-growing edtech startup focused on bringing access to the best instruction prep for K-12 and test-prep to students nationwide.
Hope you enjoy the experience as much as we have enjoyed in bringing it to you.
What's new in the latest 1.22
- Bug Fixes