Sub4Sub Tuber 정보
YouTube 용 Sub4Sub Tuber, 더 많은 가입자 확보 및 유튜브 채널 검색
Sub4Sub Tuber for YouTube is a gathering place for apps for YouTubers from all over the world who have the same mission of getting customers and viewing the easy way.
In this Sub4Sub application for YouTube, members will subscribe to their channel so they can develop their subscribers and view the channel naturally
The working principle of Sub4Sub for YouTube is that members will subscribe to the channel that is currently campaigning and each time they subscribe, they will get a coin. This coin can be used to campaign your channel to other members, so your channel can easily get subscribers and views.
How to use Sub4Sub Tuber for YouTube:
1. Select the language you will use.
2. Check all the rules that apply in the sub4sub application.
3. Log in to the application using your Google account.
4. Click mine to view and subscribe to the channel being campaigned for.
5. Equating the account that is logged in sub4sub with the account that is logged on YouTube
6. Subscribe to the channel and click again.
7. Sub4sub will verify your subscription, whether you have subscribed to the channel or not.
8. You will get coins that can be used to create campaigns for your channel.
How to Create a Campaign:
1. Click campaign on the Sub4sub tuber application dashboard.
2. Click the create campaign button.
3. There are 2 campaign choices, my channel and other channels. If you choose my channel then you will campaign for the youtube channel currently in sub4sub, if you choose another channel then you will campaign for other channels.
4. Click choose video, and select the video that you want to campaign.
5. Enter the desired number of customers
5. Click create campaign
6. Done