Super Fast Charger Pro - 2019 정보
Help to speed up your charging, extend the life of your battery.
Super Fast Charger 5x helps charge the battery faster than normal!
Fast Charger Battery Master great fast charging solution that optimizes your device for the charging speed!
When you plug the charging device, Fast Charger Battery will automatically be activated, click "Start" to begin the charging process faster. Quick charger will kill all apps running in the background and consumes battery services such as wifi, 3G, mobile internet, bluetooth ... so will cause faster charging. When you click on "Stop" or "Exit" all the processes and signals will be connected again.
This app is automatic awaken when you pug in your charger , click start to speed up the charging process and at any level you can click exit to resume all the signals.
Is your device taking hours for being fully charged? Now you can fully charge your device in minutes with this amazing app.
Supercharger provides half a charge in as little as 20 minutes.This app boosts your device's charging time upto 50%.
This app is a powerful battery saver. It prolongs battery usage time by closing unused background apps which are using extra battery. Also this app cleans RAM of device time to time to make sure you get best possible time out of your smartphone's battery. These settings keeps your battery in a good health and prolongs its life. It is a complete battery doctor of your device.
Now you can have a quick meal and have your device fully charged when you’re done.
* Super Fast Charger is not only faster but also extend the life of the battery.
* Show battery basic information such as: battery temperature, battery voltage, battery health, battery technology...
* Beautifully designed and easy to use.
* Show information about Ram, CPU your phone.
* Optimize battery
* The app is free forever!
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