Surah tauba audio-Surah taubah translation 정보
타우 바 Surah taubah audio & Surah At 영어 번역
Surah tauba audio application comes up with Audio Recital, Transliteration and Translation qualities making user understanding the overall meaning of the verses in effective way.This application includes surah taubah audio, surah taubah with english translation & surah tawba with english transliteration. In this app we also includes surah taubah last 2 ayat with english translation & transliteration.
Sura towba is the 9th surah of Al-Quran and this surah has 129 verses.Surah toba and surah toba last 2 ayat has a lot of benefits and virtues.
This surah toba audio app can be called as surah apps or sura app. By downloading this surah e toba english app you can learn to read,write and memorized this surah.This app can also be said as surah english translation app.
surah toba audio app features:
surah tauba audio
surah taubah english translation
surah at taubah with english transliteration
fazilat of surah at taubah
surah at taubah ayat 128-129 with english transliteration & translation
benefits and virtues of surah tauba last 2 ayat
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