Sweet Baby Twins Daycare - Twin Newborn Baby Care 정보
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It’s really tuff to handle two babies together specially when they are twins
If you love kids then help us to take care of these little cute babies, through this game you will be able to test your skills.
Sure,these babies are a handful and love to get into trouble,but they’re also tons of fun!
First clean the twins room as there is toys and dust everywhere, then decorate their bed, take Bath to the twins give them different toys to play, feed them yummy food,Dressup your twins and many more
play Education games like identify the alphabet and jigsaw puzzle and make twins busy There’s so much to do with your silly twins! Get ready for double the trouble, double the fun!
—>Dressup your twins by selecting adorable matching outfits
—>Decorate your twins bedroom by choosing different room decoration items
—>Feed & Care for your baby twins
—>Give your twins a warm bubble bath