Tables Time 정보
곱하기, 나누기, 더하기 및 빼기에서 속도를 향상 시키십시오.
Arithmetic is the foundation on which all of mathematics is built, so we developed 'Tables Time' to make you faster and more accurate when doing mental maths.
For free, 'Tables Time' allows you to practice your core tables - those all-important ones from 2 x 2 through to 9 x 9. You get the opportunity to track your progress with jpeg certificates.
Secondly, and just for fun, you can play a speed game against friends and family to give you a chance to show how fast and accurate you have become!
A one-off upgrade will enable you to choose individual tables or sets of tables, as well as also offering practice in division, addition and subtraction.
'Tables Time' has been written by teachers who understand the importance of children's and parents' privacy. It shows no adverts, doesn't require a sign-in, and collects and transmits no information. It's completely safe for use in school and at home.