Tasbeeh Counter PRO 정보
Tasbeeh Counter PRO - Best tasbeeh counter app with dzikir list and PRO features
Tasbeeh Counter PRO - Best tasbeeh counter app with dzikir list and PRO features.
This app provide popular dzikr collection text to ease you to read dzikir text, also provide tasbeeh counter which allowing you to add a count for your dzikir and reset the counter.
This Tasbeeh Counter app can notify you with a sound and vibration when you reach 33 times or custom value in your counter. You re free to set custom notifier in the Settings configuration in this app.
You can add your own dzikr in this app, and count your dzikr with this awesome tasbeeh counter app.
This is summary of this app features :
-Reset ounter
-Dzikr Collection
-Add your own Dzikr
-Edit your Dzikr
-Share your Dzikr to your friends
-Simple and elegant design
Feel free to rating dan review this Tasbeeh Counter app! You can also make a suggestion to make this app better and will be added to new features in the future development.