TeloBusco! 정보
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The first motels' social community for your mobile device in Argentina. Find the nearest motels using geolocation services and view them in a totally interactive map. Get all the detailed information of each motel and compare its reviews and ratings among different users. Save your favourite motels so that they're always handy. Manage and edit all your profile information safely at any time.
* Location of nearby motels
* Route between current position and selected motel
* Detailed information of every hotel
* Ratings of the visited motels
* Saving of favourite motels
* Management of personal account
TeloBusco! will help you to find quickly and easily the hotel you're looking for wherever you are. Don't waste your time anymore, TeloBusco! finds it for you.
If you want to make any comments or questions, send an email to:
or visit
Keywords: motels, telos, hotels, map, route, schedules, prices, rooms, services, caba, buenos aires, mar del plata, rosario, santa fe, rafaela, cordoba, argentina