Telolet Om 2017 정보
Telolet Bismania many voiceNow there Application!Om Telolet Om in US
Inspired by the horn lovers Telolet
Telolet Bismania is the app for lovers telolet, has high quality sound quality.
- Display is easy to use button dab
- The sound quality is very clear
- Many kinds of bell
- Surprise people, friends and others with funny loud sounds. \
- One Click to play sound
- Differents sounds playing at the same time.
- Many different sounds
- Free, no nag screens or sign up
- User friendly
Plenty of choice horn sound like Bis, Haryanto, race, train, source Congratulations, Sugeng Rahayu, Bejeu, Santoso, Scorpion Holiday (SCH-721), Sindoro, Jaya, Trans Jakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, EKA, MIRA, the Pandavas 87 Efficiency, Sinar Jaya, Rosalia Indah, Kramat Jati, Shantika, Pahala Kencana, Lorena, Subur Jaya, Bus Tourism, Safari Dharma, Harapan Jaya, Gunung Mulia, Safari Darma and much more.
Wait for the next update, such as a voice:
Truck, Lorena (Like a), fire truck, police, tanks (Russia), roller coasters (American), ambulance (brazil), monster truck (Canada), rail (Japan), when the cruise (Dubai), and the sound of other funny ,
It is the support for your favorite fun games
Telolet Salam, Salam BisMania Community Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and throughout Indonesia
Just for Fun guys
What's new in the latest 1.0.8
Add new Telolet
- 17 Agustus
- Hely
- Naik-naik ke puncak gunung
- Iwak Peyek
- Cari Jodoh
- Ambilkan bulan bu
* Tombol lebih realistis
* More Funny
* To Fast load
* Fix bug minor
Next update list
- Penambahan suara klakson telolet unik
#Saran membangun sangat dianjurkan, support kami dalam pengembangan versi selanjutnya ^.^
#Salam Sirene Telolet
#Om Telolet Om
* Happy New Years 2017 *