Telugu BIBLE Study 정보
텔루구어 종합 성경 공부 앱
Bible Introduction - Tells about the history, sections, divisions, and necessity of the Bible.
Bible Compilation - How the 66 books of Scripture were compiled, the authoritativeness of the Scriptures, and the details of the ancient manuscripts.
Bible Concordance - A collection of scriptures about various aspects of Scripture. More than 600 items are embedded. The headings of the items are in English. The writings are embedded in Telugu only. A Telugu translation of the headings will be provided shortly.
Bible Cross Reference - For cross reference from the rest of the Bible books to the verses in Scripture. This link is useful under reference Bible. The total number of references is above 6,00,000
Bible genealogies
The genealogy of each family in Scripture is given in this section. Clicking on the circles expands and collapses the tree.
Bible Study Methods - This section explains the 8 types of methods that can be used to study the Scriptures. Along with this
Why Study the Bible
Make sure no mistakes are made
Necessary resources
How to Prepare for Bible Study
Website Details Useful in Bible Study Also described
The following topics are embedded in each book.
Book Title - Name of the book, author, period of writing, important people, places etc.
Book Understanding - Summary of the chapters of the book, lessons to be learned, how to apply them to life, points to be praised and adored, construction of chapters of the book
Chapter Study - To study each chapter of the book in detail. Summary of each chapter, Scripture reference, PPT, Parallel Bible, Chapter Scripture commentary, Meaning of words
Book Charts - The various aspects of the book are presented in the form of pictures for easy understanding.
Book Essays - Articles that explain the content of the book from different angles