Termux - Tools and Commands 정보
Termux에서 다양한 도구를 설치하기위한 명령.
This app will gives you installation commands for install various tools in termux.
this app providing commands for modify termux overview and add features in termux.
With the help of this command you can easily install various linux tools in termux.
Commands for install different operating system in termux like Ubuntu, Windows, Kali, Parrot, Other Linux Distro.
We provide the commands on behalf of those who will use them for good purposes only. Usage of these tools for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Only use for educational purposes.
App Features -
- User Friendly Experience
- Simple UI
- Tap to copy command
- Search Tool by Name
- Get Notified When New Tool Added
App Content -
- 100+ Tools Installation Guide
- Termux Scripts
- Termux Tools
- Termux Commands
- Modify Termux
- Install OS In Termux