Test Your Brain 정보
당신의 뇌는 테스트하는 것은 논리적 인 게임 플레이에 대한 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.
“Test Your Brain” GameApplication is contains the features about Playing logical game and find your Brain IQ.
Test your logic and your intelligence with these varied tests, similar
to those to calculate an IQ (Intelligence quotient) with logical sequences of :
- Numbers
- Letters
- Dominos
- Figures
- Etc....
Training mode :
* There are 10 questions by test. For every question,
you have 60 seconds to answer.
* If a test is interrupted, it can be continued later.
At the end of a test, a grade is given to you.
Competition mode :
* Answer as many questions as you can!
* You will be rewarded by :
:- 10 points per question if the answer is correct.
:- From 0 to 10 more points if you answer quickly.
- The Easy level can solve 90% of the population.
- The Medium level can solve 50% of the population.
- The Difficult is only 20%!
- This is real good memory trainer!
- Exercise your brain with the most addicting IQ test ever!
* 60 unique puzzles
* 3 levels of varying
* IQ measurement (like the IQ test)
- all game are the confuse and that all game are Reset Option available.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” 'Albert Einstein'