Text Ringtone Maker 정보
Create funny Ringtones with simple Text words using Text Ringtone Maker.
Text Ringtone Maker is a useful personalized ringtone maker app.
Are you boring with regular ringtones? Need a special ringtones with your personalized voice text? Here it is Text Ringtone Maker app will help you to make special ringtones with given funny text.
Text Ringtone Maker is very simple to use and available in Google Play for free.
Text / My Name Ringtone Maker will help you to make very much personalized ringtones with your desired text.
You can create funny text for ringtones and set as ringtone for each and every contact.
How it works:
Text / My Name Ringtone Maker is very simple to use.
All you need to do is, just open the app and write your desired text how you want to listen your ringtone when you get a call from some one and save it and set it as your ringtone.
You can create ringtones as funny as you can.