The Colors Of Slime 2017 정보
최고의 점액 2017
Slime is a blob of a viscous liquid that can be played by pressing or squeezing so that it can turn into a variety of forms and can cause a unique sound when being played, its shape is supple, elastic, soft and adorable that makes slime many children preferred.
If the terms of the functionality, usability slime simply and solely as a game of finger, or the flexibility to train the muscles of the fingers. She's supposed slime can be used as a tool for cleaning Keyboad, HP.
And some of the advantages of our artificial slime is:
1. Slime we have had very good flexibility. Even if both ends pulled in opposite directions, he will be elongated by a distance that is made without being interrupted.
2. Slime will be more strecth withdrawal if done repeatedly. And right back bending.
3. After passing a few days (approximately one week), our artificial slime does not harden like in general. This is said because the slime stored in closed containers.