The Complete Jewish Bible 정보
완전한 유대인 성경, CJB 성경이라고도 함
The Complete Jewish Bible (sometimes referred to as the CJB) is a translation of the Bible into English by David H. Stern. It consists of both Stern's revised translation of the Old Testament (Tanakh) plus his original Jewish New Testament (B'rit Hadashah) translation in one volume. It was published in its entirety in 1998 by Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc.
Remember, in the moments of greatest darkness, Close your eyes, calm down, take a deep breath and let the light of the word guide your steps and your life and everything will happen.
This Digital and completely free version of the Complete Jewish Bible has the following features:
1- A simple and easy to use app.
2- Allow Change text size.
3- Enjoy day and night mode for better reading.
4- It allows to add to favorites the verses of your preference.
5- Allows you to add notes to the verses of your choice.
6- You do not need an Internet connection for its operation.
7- Friendly interface, easy to use and quick access to books, chapters and verses.
8- Share your verses in the social networks with your brothers in the faith.
9- Allows Verse Search.
10- Share App with other people.
11- Offers notifications with daily verse.
Psalm 23:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He maketh me to rest in green pasture, and leadeth me by the still waters.