The Egg: Egg Jump Game 정보
The Egg Jump Game. An amazing 3d egg shoot adventure
The Egg: Egg Jump game is a story of the magic fairy in the land of happiness trying to get back her idle egg after it fell off the castle.
Playing The Egg Jump game is so easy, all you have to do to send the egg up is just an egg tap. Just touch and release your mobile screen.
You have a maximum of 12 eggs in the gameplay. You don't have to worry about losing an egg, The fairy will always regenerate the lost egg for you
as if she has an unlimited egg factory.
The egg toss might sound like an easy task. but as you progress in the game you will find out that it is not just about egg shoot. sometimes you will need to move fast and sometimes you will need to have an idle egg and wait for when the right moment presents itself.
You need to avoid obstacles like the whirlwinds, egg smasher, and egg cracker that are found on your way. An egg yolk will splatter all over your screen If you got caught on an egg crusher.
Moving the magic egg up from a nest to a nest can sometimes be fraught with dangers so you need to be very careful.
You might also wish to use Power ups to help you win a level. Time Slowers will help you send the egg up with higher accuracy. And in cases you want to see the paths of the bowls, Path Showers are handy for when you want to spot the right moment to do an egg shoot.
The Egg shoot mobile game offers intense gameplay to get even experienced players breaking a sweat. Skill and resourcefulness go hand in hand in more than 50 levels that you have to overcome in order to save your precious egg.
With incredible graphics, well-adapted soundtracks for its fantasy settings, and gameplay that's as fun as it is challenging; The Egg jump game is the perfect Android game for whenever you want to kill some time.
● The Egg Jump game has a unique 3d arcade adventure gameplay style.
● Exciting gameplay and adventurous realm.
● Rich HD graphics and 3D visuals.
● High-quality music and sound effects.
● The Egg shoot game has 5 Chapters and Full-featured 50 levels.
● Support both mobile and tablet devices.
● The Egg egg shoot game is Very easy to play.
● The Egg Toss game is so fun, challenging, addictive, and full of happiness.
● The Egg game for android is free to play.
● Supported languages: Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, German, Vietnamese, French, Turkish, and Italian.
● now you can play The Egg Up mobile game offline
★ Requires in-game acceptance of Play terms of service.
★ The Egg Up game is free to play, but If you wanted to buy extras or speed things up you can buy in-app purchases.
★ Make any in-app purchase to disable auto ads.
★ The Egg Jump game is also known as: Happiness Ovo, Ei, Tamago, لعبة البيضة.
★ For more details please contact:
The Egg is introduced by Play.
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The Egg: Egg Jump Game 7.4.8 - playStore
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