The End MOD MCPE 정보
The End MOD MCPE is another dimension in Minecraft.
The End MOD MCPE is another dimension in Minecraft, which is not in the official version of Pocket Edithion. The End MOD MCPE changes this because it allows you to explore a world that is very similar to The End and even includes an epic boss known as the Ender Dragon. If you always wanted to fight with Ender Dragon, you definitely need to give this addition a try! It's time to recover in a brave adventure!
Ender Dragon
Ender Dragon (replaces bats) and a bunch of Endermen will appear as soon as you pass through the clamp plate at the beginning of the map. It will occur no matter what complexity you include, but we strongly recommend that you install it in normal mode or with a difficult one to better simulate this experience.
This is an extremely dangerous boss, since he has 200 health points (which are equal to 100 hearts) and shoots fire from a distance of up to 64 blocks.
The fight is worth it, although she throws one lower star and five stacks of experience bottles (which is enough experience to bring you to level 30).
Endermites (replace silver fish) are small hostile creatures that can be found in the Root City. They will also appear if Enderman dies.
If you are within the range of 16 endermite blocks, they will attack you and, seeing that they can teleport, can quickly become quite dangerous, especially if there are a lot of them.
Endermen can be found all over the map. They are also hostile and will help you Ender's enemy. Killing the enderman will cause endermitis, but there is a chance that it can fall on some pearls.
Ender Pearl
Ender's pearls (replace eggs) are removed by the endermen. When you throw a mother of pearl pearls, you will be teleported to a place wherever it is.
Try your hand at the new dimension right now!
**** Please note ****
You also have a BlockLauncher to install the mod and skin for minecraft Pe
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application has nothing to do with Mojang AB. The name Minecraft, Minecraft brand and Minecraft Assets are the property of Mojang AB or their respected owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with