The Purpose-Driven Life By Rick Warren 정보
목적에 따른 삶은 크리스천 저자 인 릭 워렌 (Rick Warren)이 쓴 신앙 고백서입니다.
The Purpose Driven Life (2002) is a devotional book written by Christian author Rick Warren and published by Zondervan. The book topped the Wall Street Journal best seller charts as well as Publishers Weekly charts, with over 30 million copies sold by 2007. The Purpose Driven Life was also on the New York Times Bestseller List for over 90 weeks.
The book offers readers a 40-day personal spiritual journey and presents what Warren says are God's five purposes for human life on Earth and describes itself as "a blueprint for Christian living in the 21st Century [...] using about 350 references to the Bible, maybe this amounts to over 1200 Biblical verses and quotes to challenge the conventional definitions of Christian Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Christian Ministry and Evangelism."