The story of the Prophet Jesus 정보
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Jesus bin Mary, also known as Jesus in the New Testament, is the Messenger of God and Christ in Islam, and he is considered one of the most determined of the apostles. He was sent to lead the children of Israel to a new sacred book, which is the Bible. Muslims prefer to add the phrase "peace be upon him" after his name as all the prophets. Belief in Jesus (and all the prophets and messengers) is a duty in Islam, and it is considered a condition for a person to be a Muslim. Jesus is mentioned by his name in the Qur’an 25 times, while Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is mentioned many times. The Qur'an states that Jesus, peace be upon him, was born by Maryam Bint Imran, and his birth is considered a miracle, as she was born with him while she was a virgin without human intervention, by the order of God. To support his message, Jesus had the ability to perform some miracles, such as reviving the dead and seeing the blind, God willing. According to the Qur’an.
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