Thermodroid (Free) 정보
열역학 및 열 물성의 계산기
Thermodynamic and thermophysical calculator.
Allows you to calculate thermodynamic properties:
- Temperature, Pressure, Volume, Vapour Fraction, Enthalpy, Entropy by Peng-Robinson (1975) EOS
- Liquid density by Yen-Woods eq.
- Heat of evaporation (EOS)
- Cp – heat capacity isobaric (EOS)
- Cv – heat capacity isochoric (EOS)
- sonic speed (EOS)
- adiabatic coefficient (EOS)
Thermophysical properties:
- Thermal conductivity (Stiel-Thodost eq. for gases, polynomial for liquid)
- Viscosity (Jossi-Stiel-Thodost eq. for gases, polynomial for liquid)
- Surface tension (Guggenheim-Katayama)
You can calculate thermodynamic characteristics of some apparatus:
- Heat exchanger
- Isoenthalpic valve
- Polytropic compressor
- Isothermal compressor (multistage)
- Polytropic expander
Available elements for calculations:
methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, n-pentane, i-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, nitrogen, ammonia, oxygen, argon, R134a, R21, R22, R23, R507, H2O, acetone, F6S. - Comparison with Aspen HYSYS
Manual (rus)