Tibetan English Chinese Vocabulary Lite 정보
쉽게 네이티브 스피커에서 티베트어, 영어와 중국어 어휘를 배울 수
With this App, you will be able to easily learn Tibetan, English and Chinese vocabulary words from a native speaker. Everything is logically organized by categories, so it is very easy to navigate. This app is a great resource for those who want to learn the Tibetan, Chinese, and English languages. Additionally, this is a great tool to utilize in order to introduce the Tibetan Language to children.
This is a Lite version of this App so it has only limited categories with sample chapters. A full version of this application will be released shortly which will have additional Categories and a wider array of vocabulary words for each Language.
All three Languages presented within this Lite Version App features Text and Audio pronunciation.
You will have access to the Tibetan, Chinese, and English languages at your fingertips.
Have you ever wondered how a particular word should be pronounced, or what in the world does a YAK look like? Have NO Fear! Text, Audio, and the Images are available to Read, Hear and See!