TimeStudy 정보
캡처 및 응용 프로그램과 함께 엔지니어링 노동 기준을 분석합니다. 정지 시계 더 이상 없습니다.
Time Study App is intended for conducting time and motion study to create engineered labor standards primarily in areas like manufacturing and logistics. But, the application is built in such a way that it can be used in any industry.
Application Features
- All elements, transactions, attributes are user defined and configurable.
- Attribute behavior (when to capture [start/stop], value type, number/text/multiple-choice) is completely configurable.
- Automatically capture element time duration from start to stop and total time for the transaction.
- Capture audio, video and notes during the actual time study without leaving or closing the time study.
- Capture Delay elements during the time study.
- Completely self-contained native application.
- Create discrete elements, transactions (activities), conduct time study of any transaction‚ all on the device.
- Create any number of configurable attributes to capture against any element or transaction (e.g. user name, pace rate, activity type etc.)
- Easy to use time study screen with easy navigations.
- Export the time study data from the device for further analysis.
- Export/Import configuration data from one device to another.
For Further details visit the app website (http://nuvizz.com/enterprise-mobile-applications/time-study-app/index.html)