세계 최고 수준의 보험 레귤레이터
TIRA Motor Insurance Stickers Mobile Application (TIRA MIS App) is a regulatory and supervisory system designed and developed by Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA) to collect, store, verify and monitor movements of motor insurance stickers printed and issued to insurance companies by the Authority.
TIRA MIS App is an android app for policyholders, law enforcers and the public to download install and use to validate/verify motor insurance policies sold in the United Republic of Tanzania using motor insurance sticker or registration number. Currently there are four types of stickers in the market being sold and namely PRIVATE for private use vehicle, COMMERCIAL for commercial use vehicles, MOTOR CYCLE for motor cycles and PUBLIC for public transport.
To use TIRA MIS App:
1) Download and install the app
2) Click Validate Sticker or Validate Cover Note
3) Enter Sticker Number or Vehicle Registration Number
4) Click Validate
5) Results of your motor insurance of the vehicle will be shown