TLS Tailored Mobile 정보
맞춤형 모바일은 TLS 변환 운송 소프트웨어 시스템과 함께 작동합니다.
Tailored Mobile allows your drivers to connect to TLS Transformation to see their driving assignments and reply on the progress made. It allows you to transform the way you are seen by your customers, the way you handle paperwork, invoice your customers and pay your drivers.
Arm your drivers with either a smart phone or tablet and many of your current, labor intensive, processes can be transformed into smoother, easier processes saving you a great deal of time and money!
Use Tailored Mobile to:
Let your customers know you are up on technology
Increase your drivers productivity
Increase your dispatchers planning time
Reduce document handling time
Make additional pickups easy for everyone to handle
Speed up your billing cycle
Provide better service to your customers
Capture delivery signatures
Send EDI 214 information automatically on stops as the driver does them
Handle exceptions quicker and easier