Tournaments 정보
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Experience the growing Millennial Esports tournaments on the go!
We boost the Millennial Esports tournament experience for all users, whether you are an admin, competitor, or just a spectator.
Keep up-to-date with the latest esports gaming news.
Find all Millennial Esports tournaments to compete or spectate in.
Seemlessly follow the tournament brackets as the games play out.
Get notifications for your upcomming matches, and alerts from tournament admins.
Report match results to tournament admins simply by showing the QR code on the app!
Millennial Esports supports many esports game titles including:
- League of Legends
- Halo
- Hearthstone
- Call of Duty
- Overwatch
- Gears of War
and more!
Send us feedback or suggestions directly in the app, or send us an email at