Trainee App 정보
It is designed to provide trainees with the various information and services.
The Institute of Public Administration (IPA) is a body-corporate, autonomous government agency, which aims to raise the adequacy of state employees and prepare them scientifically to carry out their responsibilities and exercise their powers to ensure enhanced management and support the development of national economy rules. The Institute also specializes in contributing to the administrative organization of Government and to give advice in the administrative problems exposed by the government ministries and agencies, and research related to the administration and closer cultural ties in the field of public administration.
This application, which is available in English and Arabic languages, is designed to provide trainees affiliated to IPA with the various information and services provided by IPA trainee schedules and grades results and absences details.
This application provides the following services:
1 ) Reviewing the weekly schedule for the trainee .
2 ) Reviewing the absences details for the trainee, such as the total number of absences and notifications number .
3 ) Reviewing nominations’ results for the trainee .
4 ) Viewing and updating personal information .
5 ) Reviewing the grades’ results for the trainee .
6 ) Viewing their weekly schedule for a specific year and semester.
7 ) Viewing the suggested programs’ details such as its duration and execution time.
7 ) Updating trainees with the latest IPA news and events
8 ) Updating trainees with available jobs in IPA so they can apply for them easily.
9 ) Providing the trainees with the different IPA branches contact info.