Transkriptor 정보
오디오 또는 비디오를 텍스트로 변환합니다. 빠르고 정확한 전사. 고쳐 쓰다!
Transkriptor offers a free trial account and it is one of the best transcription services. Automatic transcription is as accurate as those that do manual transcription. It takes less time to complete automatic transcription than manual transcription. At the same time, it is possible to transcribe automatically over the internet without running any programs on your computer with the new developing cloud technologies.
Transkriptor can convert your any video or audio file to text for free in few minutes. Moreover you can record and transcribe. Transkriptor is an online transcription software, so you need an internet connection to use it. It provides automatic transcription services at the lowest price. In addition, it offers a free trial to its users.
Automatically transcribe audio within minutes. Be more productive in school, work, and life. Receive editable text files and download them within seconds. Capture and find what you need. Search across everything and edit your text
Transkriptor is powered by state of an art A.I. algorithm. Therefore, Its accuracy can reach 99% (depends on the language and audio quality). Transkriptor learns speech patterns, and its accuracy improves every day.
Transkriptor currently supports the following languages:
Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish, Thai, Vietnamese
Frequently asked questions
What is Transkriptor?
Transkriptor is an online transcription software that speeds-up the transcription process by using state of art A.I.. Our web application can be used on many areas from transcribing a journalistic interview to captioning online content.
You only need to sign up and confirm your email address to receive free trial. After you sign up you will be redirected to your account dashboard. From this page, you can start a new transcription, download your transcription files or view previous transcription tasks.
Can I transcribe for free?
Yes! You only need to sign up to receive your free credit. You will see your remaining credit on your account page.
Do I need a credit card for the free trial?
No, you don’t need credit card to try our transcription services.
How can I improve transcription quality?
Heavy background noise
This is by far the biggest enemy of high-quality transcription. As far as possible, try indoor or in-studio recording, as noise editing is quite an arduous task. If you have background noise, firstly eliminate it.
Platforms like Audacity, Adobe Audition, and AVID have tools to help, but it’s not a sure fix. Audacity is a free open source audio recording and editing application.
Open, click “File” and “Open” and locate the file you want to fix
Select your “Room Tone” by dragging your mouse over a section where there is little or no audio sound
Select the “Effect” menu and then select “Noise Reduction”
Click “Get Noise Profile” and wait for the modal to disappear
Click back to your timeline of the audio to clear your selection
Select the “Effect” menu again and select “Noise Reduction” again
Click “Preview” to hear the default noise removal settings. You can select one of these defaults to see if they work
If you still hear noise, then simply adjust the Sliders (see descriptions below) and then click “Preview” again
Keep the microphone close from the speaker
The closer the microphone is to the speaker, the better. Enunciating the words well will ensure better sound fidelity.
Skype and phone interviews
These typically have very low recording quality, due to the compression used in these services. You may encounter lower accuracy with these recordings.
Heavy accents
Our models are trained in a lot of data, but heavy accents are one of the most difficult things to transcribe!