Tutorials Android 정보
간단하고 완벽한 가이드 북은 소스 코드와 함께 제공 안드로이드를 배울 수 있습니다.
This app is designed so as to provide a complete description of source codes as well as ways to start building your first app, publish it and monetize it.
The app is divided into a lot of sections which provide source codes to understand basics of most of the components of Android Stuido.
Its main components are sections such as:
-> App Tutorials like Flappy Bird and Tic-Tac-Toe
-> Introduction
-> Threads and Processes
-> Widgets
-> Layouts
-> Containers
-> Intents
-> Menus
-> Images And Media
-> Toasts
-> Notifications
-> Date And Time
-> Telephone
-> Wifi
-> Animations
-> Maps
-> Data Storage
-> SQLite
-> Publishing
-> AdMob
-> Key Shortcuts
Basic Features:
-> Easy to Learn
-> Proper Latest Source Codes
-> No prerequisites
-> Offline Content
This app contains all topics slowly converting you from a novice to a pro at Android Studio.
It also has a 'Question Button' through which you can mail me your queries and I would be more than happy to help you out.