Tvema.Com 정보
디자인, 개발, 생산 및 철도의 유지 보수.
JSC Firm TVEMA, a private company, founded in 1989, is a world leader in the development, production and implementation of systems for the diagnosis of railway infrastructure. The company is the only manufacturer in the world that has in its product line all types of tools for diagnosing superstructures and contact networks and performing the full scope of work on the creation, production and maintenance of these tools.
The company's headquarters, production and repair and training centers are located in Moscow, branches operate in Fryazino and Irkutsk, and regional offices are opened in Kiev, Beijing and New Delhi.
The company has more than 300 employees, almost half of whom are engineers of various specialties.
The production and repair center with an area of more than 8 thousand m2 includes access roads, repair and maintenance shops, office and laboratory facilities, indoor and outdoor areas. The center fully meets the requirements of international quality management systems - the overall ISO 9001 and industry-specific - IRIS.