TwitPaneClassic for Twitter 정보
TwitPane is a light weight Twitter app!"Classic" is for Android 2.3 or 4.0
TwitPane is a light weight and powerful Twitter app
More useful and customizable app than official app.
Also supports tweeting & displaying tweets exceeding 140 characters!
TwitPaneClassic is for Android 4.0 devices.
- Customizable tabs
- Customizable design
- Multiple twitter accounts support(5 accounts)
- Account switching at the tweet compose dialog
- Share photo with Twitter(multiple photo and gif support!)
- Thumbnail photos and rapid image viewer
- Supports play
- Supports twicca plug-ins
- UserStreaming
- Reply to multi-tweets
- Color labeling
- Search and trends
- Saved search
- Drafts of new tweets
- Conversation
- Lists (tabs)
- List editing(Create/Edit/Add Member/Delete/etc...)
- Profile and edit
- Retweet
- Follow/Unfollow
- Filtering (User/Word/App)
- Design tweet and import
- Config Export/Import
- Auto pagination
- And more more features!
[Official Account]
What's new in the latest 9.6.2
- Show full sentence of new reply notification
- Support notification channel on Android 8.0
- Fix some bugs
- Add repeat setting for Movie Player
- Others
- Support 280 character count!(Still showing from 140 elapsed chars but input 2 chars then it decrease and count as 1 char!)
- Remove tweeting method via TwitLonger
- Change some button design(ripple effect support)
- TwitPane Classic is now support only "Android 4.0" (Android 2.3 ~ 3.x is not support)
- Others