UCD 학생들을위한 GPA 계산 -
This application has four major features-
1. Signup
Simply signup by entering UCD no and local no.
2. Calculate overall result per subject
Add sub results received per subject (Add grades and percentages) and click on
Ex:- MIS results
Individual assignment --A+ --30%
Group assignment --A+ --20%
Exam --C+ --50%
Calculated results can be saved against the user.
3. View current results
View summary of the achieved results thus far and the result breakdown for each
4. User management
Change existing user's names or add/delete users.
*All grades are calculated according to the UCD grades table.
--> https://www.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/staff_info/modular%20grades%20explained%20staff.pdf
*UI design done by
--> Nipuna Hewage