UHI myday 정보
이동 중에 UHI 이메일 등을 확인하세요.
Important - This app requires a UHI ID and for you to have completed enrolment. Please wait 24hrs after enrolment before logging in.
The UHI myday mobile app is an easy-to-use and personalise one-stop-shop for all the online services and information you need while studying with us.
This app is the mobile companion of the desktop UHI myday site that you view in your web browser (myday.uhi.ac.uk), providing access to the same apps and data for a seamless experience. Any changes you make to the mobile dashboard on your desktop will be synced to the mobile app to make personalisation super easy.
Features include:
• Personalise – keep the tiles you need, remove the ones you don’t
• Email– keep on top of your UHI email while you’re on the go
• Brightspace integration – check your assignments and courses, as well as get notifications of assignment deadlines and grades.
• Library account – view your borrowing history and reservations, as well as receive notifications when a reserved book is available, or overdue notices.
• News– tailored news from the university and your local campus
• Information – find the information you need from the university and your local campus
• Check VC codes with My lectures
• Offline access – access most tiles when browsing offline
If you have any technical difficulties please contact UHI Servicedesk.