UMD Bus 정보
아름다운 인터페이스와 UMD 버스에 대한 가장 빠른 실시간 예측
Fast, Intuitive, and beautiful say hi to UMD Bus.
Core Features:
+ Predictions accurate by the second
+ Favorites
+ Nearby stops
More Features:
+ Navigation built to run fast
+ Caching for better speed AND battery life
+ Beautiful intuitive UMD themed UI
+ Small size (~12mb)
Coming Soon:
- Alarms
- Recents
About once a year bus routes are updated. Update the routes by tapping "Resync Data" in the settings menu.
Related Keywords: Transit nextbus transportation
UMD shuttle times. Get predictions for shuttle buses at the University of Maryland while enjoying the pleasantries of Material Design :)
Disclaimer: Predictions are pulled from NextBus. These are predictions and should be treated as so. Bus arrivals times are not guaranteed.
Enjoy the ad free experience!
What's new in the latest 1.4.4
+ UMD Bus remembers where you left off
+ See nearby stops with a click of a button