uninstaller selected 정보
Uninstaller Selected is a tool to uninstall applications for Android phones.
Installing apps is easy on Android. So easy that you can end up with a ton that you don’t need over time. Rather than tediously paging through every app to uninstall them one by one, we recommend uninstaller selected. This app allows you to uninstall several apps at once, sort them by size, and even clean up any junk files left behind.
Using the uninstaller selected application you clean your phone by easily removing unwanted applications. You can view the application information before you remove the uninstaller. Remove multiple applications to uninstall a stretch. Sort and Search for applications. Through the program to lighten the pressure on the mobile phone, can effectively extend the life of the mobile phone clean master.
Features Uninstaller Selected :
► Uninstall multi-app in one click .
► Backup & restore apps remove .
► Display the memory you are about to release after you remove the selected applications .
► Show app name,version,update time,size .
► User app backup uninstall remove directory can be configured in settings .
► Rate us .
► Share application details with friends .
► Share uninstaller selected with friends .
► Search in market .
► Scan all apks in sdcard .
The uninstaller selected can save you phone memory, deleting unnecessary leftover data, avoiding too much unused data drain your battery, uninstaller selected for Mobile is here to help you optimize the capacity of your phone .
Uninstaller Selected is a tool to uninstall applications for Android phones.
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