알 수없는 선수 무료 발사 분대 포트 로얄은 무료 포트 파이어 건 슈팅 게임입니다
Unknown Player Free Firing Squad Fort Royale is here to offer best free fort firing battle royale experience on mobile. Enter the arena each fortnight to squad up and get ready to take on other legends in this popular fps shooter. When your duty calls, jump from the drop ship and get ready to loot the best weapons and armor to help you survive the hostile lands, full of unforgiving legends shooters that are looking to take you down and loot you. Can you be quick enough to grab all the best gear from the battlegrounds in this new popular fort royale fps game. Say hello to some of the finest modern weapons like M4 rifle, sniper rifle, AR15, MP5 and many more. Drop on to the battlegrounds this fortnight, to experience the thrills of the original fps shooting action on mobile as your duty calls. In the world where modern war weapons are hard to find, can you make sure to be fast enough to get them first if you want to survive.