Urdu to Urdu Dictionary Offline : Urdu Lughat
Urdu to Urdu Dictionary Offline : Urdu Lughat 정보
우르두어 사전 오프라인을 우르두어 무료 및 오프라인 우르두어 Lughat 사전이다.
Urdu to Urdu Dictionary Offline is free and offline Urdu Lughat dictionary.
It is a complete Urdu to Urdu dictionary with lots of details and meaning of Urdu words.
Urdu to Urdu Dictionary Offline has lots of words with explainations for each words meanings in Urdu Lughat. This Urdu to Urdu Dictionary Offline contains more than 300,000 words.
Very easy search with built in urdu keyboard and automatic search suggestions.
An easy offline Urdu to Urdu dictionary and Urdu Lughat app.
Features of Urdu lughat offline app.
- Built in Urdu keyboard and all types of Meaning and explanations.
- Offline Urdu dictionary
- Tells Origin of word
- Synonyms words
- English words
- Derived word and Urdu Alphabets listing.
- Urdu to Urdu Dictionary offline
- Free and offline urdu to urdu dictionary app.
What's new in the latest 1.2
UI updated
Cursor Added to search bar
Bugs Fixed