USAF FAC 3.0 정보
USAF PT 테스트 평가 점수를 얻고, 추적하고, 공유하는 가장 좋은 방법을 소개합니다!
Introducing the best way to score, track & share your USAF PT test assessments. The USAF Fitness Assessment Calculator (FAC) 3.0 app has the versatility to calculate all unique exemptions, altitude corrections, etc.
This Android app is the most efficient & practical way to calculate your score, track your results, next official test date, mock test date (60 days out), & share all of the above via your favorite social media apps. All parameters are based upon the official USAF guidance IAW AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program (latest version), & is accessible in a PDF file at the bottom of the app (Fitness Program Charts Guidance). The USAF FAC provides all of your minimum and maximum performance standards, etc. and precisely calculates your USAF PT test assessment scores for all unique assessments & highlights your threat categories respectively.