Vacuum&Jet Pumps Ejectors Demo 정보
Vacuum leakages, Admissible velocity, Equivalent suction Flow, Jet Pumps Ejector
Following calculations are performed according to manufacturing technical experience and theory (referring also to international std):
- Air leakages in vacuum vessels/plants volumes
- Admissible velocity in vacuum pipelines.
This calculation gives you indication of recommended max velocity, in order to avoid pressure losses too impacting and other fluid dynamic problems.
- Equivalent suction Flow for steam Jet Vacuum pumps (ejectors)
This calculation is very important to give equivalence ( in terms of motive flows) for different fluids.
- Steam consumption of Jet Pumps (ejectors)
Very useful calculation. It gives you the amount of motive fluid once you have defined the needed suction condition.
Enjoy it!
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- Pressure Losses Piping Drop (engineering App)
- MY Finance Account Helper (expenses, economic management App)
- Find Key Game 2 ( mind visual readiness App)
- Vacuum & Jet pump ejectors (engineering App)
- Filled Tank level volume (volumetric calculation for different shapes cases)
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