Vital Tones Vertigo 정보
A powerful brainwave entrainment for vertigo (dizziness).
Vital Tones Vertigo is a powerful brainwave entrainment for improving vertigo (dizziness).
Vertigo is a sensation of motion or spinning that is often described as dizziness. The main symptom is a sensation that you or the room is moving or spinning.
Vertigo is due to a problem in the brainstem and/or the back part of the brain (cerebellum).
Vital Tones Vertigo stimulates the cerebellum, the vestibular system and their connections within the brainstem.
Vital Tones Vertigo consist of 3 different sessions.
Session 1 is 22 minutes.
Session 2 and 3 is 23 minutes.
All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!
The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session (limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a full entrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!
This application requires large headphones or high quality earphones with Left and Right placed correctly !
Get ready for a total natural healing.
Enjoy your explorations.