VZ | Dream UP 1 정보
Dream Up is an Inglés series for preschool.
Dream Up is an English series for preschool that is based on an integrated and flexible methodological proposal that synthesizes the most relevant aspects from successful pedagogical approaches and methods. These are: the Communicative Approach, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Creative Thinking. This series motivates and guides students to learn English in a dynamic and interactive way. It promotes different activities in which students feel confident while speaking, reading, writing and listening. Dream Up also integrates real world situations with content that is familiar to the students.
| Student ́s Book
º Activities focused on Creative Thinking
º Interactive activities
º Children’s songs and fun activities
º An examination section for each unit, based on the Cambridge English Test: YLE Starters
º A handicraft project per unit
º Review pages every two units
º A SelfAssessment section
| Workbook
º Reinforcement of the topics that have been worked on in the student’s book
º Vocabulary practice
| Teacher ́s Guide
º A clear explanation about every section
º Methodological suggestions
º Scripts for spelling and dictation activities
Extra activities
Virtual aids
| Extra
º Downloadable Flashcards
º A puppet
º Stickers
Vector Z is a new tool that lets you explore, through the camera from a computer or mobile device, interactive content directly on the pages of your book without an Internet connection. Enjoy videos, animations, activities and many other resources Vector Z offers.
How do I use it?
1. Found in the pages of your book icon Vector Z.
2. Enter the application in your phone book and focuses the camera on the picture accompanying Vector icon Z.
3. Explore, discover and enjoy content that vector Z has for you.
Tags: vector z, dream up, 1, grupo editorial educar
All content and intellectual development applications for learning English language are based on the printed product Dream Up (books series) that belongs to Grupo Editorial Educar and it is according to international guidelines and copyright legislation of intellectual property.