Walkthrough Ableton Live Mobile 정보
연습 Ableton Live Mobile
Lesson Plan:
1. Introduction to Ableton Live Mobile
2. Making a Simple Beat or Pattern in flstudio 12
3. Making Patterns with Different Instruments in Ableton Live Mobile
4. Channel Settings Menu
5. Using the Piano Roll in Ableton Live Mobile
6. Recording Live Steps into Patterns in Ableton Live Mobile
7. Step Editing Mode in FL
8. Advanced Piano Roll Tricks and Techniques
9. Pattern Mode vs. Song Mode
10. Browser Management and Adding Content
11. Using VST Instruments in fl studio
12. Layers
13. Using Samples/Loops in Step Sequencer and Playlist in fl studio
14. Using FPC
1. Introduction to FLStudio 12.3
2. Audio and MIDI Setup for Ableton Live Mobile
3. The step sequencer
4. Adding plugins on fl studio
5. Recording and Editing MIDI with fl studio
6. Using Patterns
7. The browser for fl studio
8. Organizing the Playlist
9. Keyboard shortcuts
10. The mixer
11. Recording and Editing Audio
12. Parametric EQ 2
13. Organization of the workflow
14. Wrapping and sending mixers
15. Automation clips
16. Mapping the MIDI Controller
17. Save Automation and Event Editor
18. Editing the piano roll in FL
19. Layer Tool
20. Channel grouping
21. Rendez-vous a song
22. Optimizing the CPU
23. MIDI routing and output with Ableton Live Mobile
24. Multi-Out Plugins
25. Stretching time and changing height
26. Pre-Calculated Effects
27. Conclusion
NOTE: Requires Android 4 or higher. Ableton Live Mobile OR Ableton Live Mobile for control comments
With this Tutorials for FLStudio, you will learn how to use the software like Garageband. You are invited to do research and knowledge, in a simple application to use while working on your projects, do not hesitate to download,
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