Wave Text 정보
당신은 당신이 이동 주파수에 따라 문자 메시지를 표시하는 전화를 흔들 수 있습니다!
You can wave your phone to display text messages by Wave Text! Just enter the message you want to display. Wave Text will determine which text to display like marquees based on your hand position. The speed of text updates is according to the frequency you wave!
You can also set the color of the first word and the last word. Wave Text will transfer it to gradient color automatically, you can also set the background color, text size, etc. Or set the angle of the wave. Or you can set vibration or sound alerts when you wave to maximum angle. It can also be set to auto mode which means you don't have to wave to display the message, it will display automatically like marquee in auto mode (auto mode can adjust the text speed).
It is very suitable for consert / party / KTV, etc.