White Noise - Baby Sleep - SleepWellBaby 정보
SleepWellBaby에는 다양한 흰색 소음과 자장가가 포함되어 있습니다.
SleepWellBaby contains great selection of soothing white noise and lullabies. It has a simple timer that saves your battery. In addition to that it contains sounds recorded by parents. All sounds are available offline so you do not need the internet.
White noise is a great tool to soothe fussing and boost sleep.
Even for easy babies, white noise is a must. It makes good sleep even better. And it helps prevent the sleep disasters that may ruin your life between four and twelve months!
It is very common for an infant’s sleep to suddenly fall apart after the fourth trimester. That’s because:
- The calming reflex fades away
- Babies become super social and wake up when they hear little noises in the middle of the night
- Weaning from being swaddled
- Teething
All four factors lead to a surge in sleep problems . . . just when you thought you had it nailed.
Using the right white noise will help you sidestep these problems. Within weeks your little one will link the sounds with the pleasure of sleep. "Oh yeah, I recognize that sound . . ." Now I’ll have a nice little snooze. As she passes through infancy she’ll be able to sleep despite outside distractions, such as TVs and passing trucks, or inside distractions, such as teething pain, mild colds, slight hunger.
👶 30 sound and song
👶 Record your voice (Unlimited)
👶 Timer
👶 Beautiful HD sound: Appliance - Nature - Mother - Transportation - White Noise - Lullaby - Your Voice