Wifi Password Show 정보
View your WiFi Password with just 1 click, Share it with Friends (Root required)
Congratulation! Wifi Password Show is over 5 millions download.
★ Note: Require ROOTED★
Need to re-connect your new device to WiFi network, but forgot your password? Want to share a WiFi password with your friend?
Use FREE Wifi Password Show to view all Wifi Password when you need them with just one click! Share with friends through SMS or Email. Yes, just that easy!
FREE Wifi Password Show features:
❶ Show SSID and Password;
❷ Copy WiFi Password to Clipboard (to be able to paste anywhere);
❸ Share password via SMS or Email;
❹ Share password in Fullscreen mode.
❺ QR Code Generator WiFi Access
❻ WiFi Password Recovery
Please Note:
① Only works on ROOTED devices (needs super-user permissions).
② Is not a WiFi password cracker. NOT intended to crack WiFi networks.
③ Needs previous access to WiFi networks with your device to retrieve passwords.
④ With samsung device if it show hex code in password, please do follow:
"I fixed the issue. This is a common issue on Samsung phones. I opened /system/build.prop file and changed the line ro.securestorage=true to false and rebooted. Now your app shows actual passwords and not hex string."
Thank to Jude Dahi!
✔ Please understand that FREE Wifi Password Show is a free app and contains ads to support develop cost.
✔ Why FREE Wifi Password Show only works on a rooted device?
Because your device stores WiFi passwords when you connect to a new WiFi network. You are not able to access the passwords and retrieve them unless you have super-user permissions. Checkout here for more information on root: https://www.google.com/search?q=what%20is%20root?
✔ If you want the app support your language, please help us translate from English to your language by access the link below. Thank you!
✔ Please contact to [email protected] for any issues you may have; and do give us 5 stars if you like us! Thanks & enjoy!
What's new in the latest 2.3.2
Feedback to us via email: [email protected]
What's new:
- Support Show WiFi Password on Android 8.0 Oreo;
- Add Czech language (Thank to: Cllasyx);
- Upgrade support library;
- Bug fix and improvement.