Xpress 정보
A New Kind of Instant Messaging. Stay connected and secured
With the rise of government monitoring programs, Xpress provides an easy to use application that allows you to connect with friends and family without anyone else listening in. While other big-name services require you to pay for features, Xpress is totally free, and comes without advertising.
Xpress is a native Android based Chat Application, Chat Instantly and Get Push Notifications of The Individual and Group Chats.
Application also has Sign In From Facebook and Google Plus Feature which pulls out the information like profile picture, name from those social Networking sites. We are always happy to serve our users with smiles.
Features :
Instant Messaging
Sign In with Facebook & Google
One To One Chat and Group Chat
Update Group, Add New Members to Group Chat
Find Nearby People and start chatting
Local Chat History
Profile Pic from Facebook / Google Plus Sign In
User Status and User Profile
Unread Message Count
Send Image, Video, Audio along with Text Messages
Smilies / Emotions / Emoji Integration
Add Friends Feature
Block / Unblock Users
Copy Text and Share
Auto Hyper Link Redirection
Tap to Call on Phone Numbers included in messages