YPO Forum 정보
사용자 정의 의제를 구축, 역동적 인 모임을 리드, 공식 YPO 포럼 연습을 얻을.
The YPO Forum app gives you the power to build custom agendas, in less time. Instantly access valuable meeting planning and management tools, making it quick and easy for you to lead more effective forum meetings and retreats. Extend your impact by selecting from hundreds of YPO Forum icebreakers and exercises to engage and inspire. The app is available YPO members and spouses/partners.
Updated features:
• Search, filter and download official YPO forum content, exercises and icebreakers
• Build and share robust agendas in less than 15 minutes
• Shake device to pre-populate agendas
• Track meeting attendance
• Assign presenters for a deeper dive
• Assign presenters from in-app Parking Lot
• Stay on schedule with built-in timers
• Get tips from forum coach